Al Pfadt*1, Donald J Wheeler2
1Former Research Scientist at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, New York, USA
2Fellow American Statistical Association, Consulting Statistician, SPC Press, Tennessee, USA
*Corresponding Author: Albert Pfadt, Former Research Scientist at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, New York, USA
Received: February 21, 2019
Published: March 14, 2019
Process Behavior Charts and Celeration Charts provide effective ways to visualize the clinical status of a patient with prostate cancer and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. Process Behavior Charts allow a definitive answer to the question of whether a change has occurred in spite of the variability of the PSA values, and when changes are occurring the Celeration Chart provides an easy estimate of the rate of growth. Both of these graphic techniques help in the overall understanding of the status of a patient at risk for prostate cancer by placing current PSA values in the context of the history of that patient.
Keywords: PSA test results, Testosterone levels, Process Behavior Charts and Celeration Charts, Prostate Cancer, Single Subject Studies